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Member, Patron, and Special Guest RSVP Form for the Paint Livingston Opening Reception and Dinner on Thursday, October 3, from 5-9 pm

Only participating artists and their guests, OCAC members, OCAC patrons, event volunteers, and special guests are invited to attend the festivities this evening. (Artists should have made separate RSVPs as part of the artist registration process.)

This is a members-only event. If you wish to attend, please become a member or patron of the Overton County Arts Council (OCAC), first. If you have any questions about membership, patronage, or this event, please contact us at

This event is free for participating artists and one of their guests. The cost for OCAC members is $20 per person. This covers both the reception at Bishop Studio from 5-6:45 pm and the dinner at The Clark House from 7-9 pm.

Choose the option that best describes you.
OCAC Patron
OCAC Family Member
OCAC Individual Member
OCAC Board Member
OCAC Community Advisory Board Member
Paint Livingston Event Volunteer
Special Guest Invited by an OCAC Board Member

The cost for everyone but participating artists and patrons is $20 per person. This covers both the reception and dinner. If you are RSVPing and paying for more than one person, please put the total number in the payment form at the time of checkout. Thank you!

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact us at

Cocktail Reception, Thursday, Oct. 3, 5:00-6:45 pm
Dinner, Thursday, Oct. 3, 7:00-9:00 pm
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