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James McNeill Whistler_Nocturne_ Blue and Gold—Southampton Water_1872.jpg

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Your membership is good for 12 full months from the date purchased. Annual memberships provide great value to you and a vital source of funding for us. They also demonstrate a strong level of community engagement, which better positions us to secure more patrons and win vital grants. We really appreciate your membership!

  • Family Membership

    Perfect for couples and families.
    Valid for 12 months
    • Covers every family member in same household.
    • Free admission to monthly Art Club Mixer.
    • 10% discount on classes, programs and art for sale.
    • Exclusive opportunities to meet professional artists.
  • Individual Membership

    Great way to support the arts and save money.
    Valid for 12 months
    • Free admission to monthly Art Club Mixer.
    • Priority registration for OCAC classes, programs and events.
    • 10% discount on classes, events and art for sale.
    • Exclusive opportunities to meet professional artists.
  • Student Membership

    Get discounts, access to mentors and scholarship opportunities.
    Valid for 12 months
    • Free admission to monthly Art Club Mixers.
    • 50% discount on OCAC classes, programs and events.
    • Exclusive opportunities to meet professional artists.
    • Eligible for OCAC scholarships, when available.
    • *Annual fees will be waived for students as needed.

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