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Libby Allen
High School Art Contest & Exhibition

The Overton County Arts Council (OCAC) held its first annual Libby Allen High School Art Exhibit and Competition at the Livingston-Overton County Chamber of Commerce April 21-26, 2024.


This event is named after beloved local arts educator Libby Allen to recognize and celebrate her twenty-seven years of dedicated service to all the elementary school students in Overton County. 

A reception and awards ceremony was hosted on Sunday, April 21, 2024 for students, teachers, administrators, families, and friends.

“When I first started this job, another art teacher told me that if you're not overwhelmed, you're not doing it right. Well, I'm overwhelmed most days but in a good way,” said Ms. Allen, reflecting on her long tenure. “I always let kids see my mistakes, which are sometimes a lot. But then I show them how to work through their mistakes, too.

I love to watch my students get inspired, especially when they look at their finished work and say, ‘I can't believe I did this!’ That's the best reward. And I always tell them that the sky is the limit.”

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