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2024 Paint Livingston Competition Rules

Plein Air Competition Rules:

  1. The competition is open to all artists. We expect to have both experienced, working artists who have participated in other plein air competitions and amateur artists who have not yet done so.

  2. Paintings in acrylic, oil, watercolor, pastels, and gouache will be accepted.

  3. Canvases will be date stamped as part of the artist check-in process at the beginning of the overall competition and for the separate Quick Draw event on Saturday morning.

  4. A name badge/lanyard will be provided at check-in and should be worn by all participating artists while painting and during festival events. 

  5. Painting locations will be designated in or near downtown Livingston. Maps will be distributed at check-in and signage will be placed at designated sites. Locations will include the historic courthouse square, nearby farmland, Standing Stone State Park, and Lillydale Campground & Day Use Area at Dale Hollow Lake, all within a 30-minute drive of downtown. 

  6. Inclement weather plans will ensure that the event proceeds regardless of the weather.

  7. Artwork will be limited to any size up to 20” x 20” and must be created in the field during the event. There is no minimum required size. 

  8. Each participating artist must submit at least one painting and no more than three paintings for the competition and exhibition. We hope and expect that each artist will submit three paintings. Entries that do not adhere to all guidelines will not be judged.

  9. The deadline to turn in competition paintings, framed and ready to hang for the judging process and for the Saturday exhibition, is 9am Saturday, Oct 5 at the Millard Oakley Public Library exhibition venue downtown, located at 107 East Main Street, Livingston, TN 38570. 

  10. Artists provide their own frames and must be prepared for wet paint installation. If necessary, assistance or other accommodations may be made for newcomers to competitions like this who may have trouble with proper framing for exhibition. We plan to hang as many framed paintings as possible with velcro Commando Strips. We will provide the strips and will apply them to frames. These strips work well with the carpet covered exhibition panels we use. 

  11. Artwork must be delivered for exhibition Sat morning up until 9am with proper labels, tags, etc. 

  12. All art will be on display to the public from 12pm-4pm Saturday, Oct 5. 

  13. The OCAC reserves the right to use photographs, videos and audio recordings of all submitted paintings and all participating artists in its own marketing and public relations efforts. 

  14. Participating artists are encouraged to attend all dinners, receptions, and ceremonies organized by Paint Livingston. All such events will be free for participating artists. We especially encourage all artists to attend the opening reception and dinner on Thursday eventing, Oct 3, from 5pm-9pm. All of our patrons and many OCAC members will be at these events and look forward to welcoming and meeting all artists.

  15. The Plein Air Competition Award Ceremony will be Saturday, Oct 5 from 1:30-2pm at the Millard Oakley Public Library located on the courthouse square downtown at 107 East Main Street, Livingston, TN 38570.

  16. The OCAC will receive 20% of all sales of artwork transacted during the event. Transactions will be handled by OCAC staff and disbursements of funds will be made to all artists as soon as possible via common electronic transaction apps like Square, Venmo, PayPal, etc. 

  17. Any unsold paintings in the event exhibition must be picked up Saturday night by 4pm. 

  18. The OCAC is a 501(c)3, tax-exempt nonprofit corporation. Selling artists and buying customers should check with their own professional advisors to determine if, and how much of, their 20% commission on transactions may be considered tax-deductible contributions to the OCAC.

  19. It is recommended that artists price their work in the range of $250-$750. All transactions must be handled by event staff.

Quick Draw Competition Rules:

  1. There will be a separate Quick Draw Competition on Saturday, Oct 3, from 9:30am-11:30am. 

  2. All artists participating in the main plein air competition are invited to compete in the Quick Draw Competition, too. We hope you will, as one of our main objectives is to showcase working artists for Overton County residents. We know that people of all ages will be pleasantly surprised and inspired by watching you all paint in our little town.  

  3. Artists must paint within a small, designated area which will include the town square and adjacent city blocks. Exact boundaries will be provided during check-in and on demand. In case of inclement weather, we will have several covered areas to choose from, if desired. 

  4. At approximately 11:30am, just after the Quick Draw ends, artists must deliver their paintings to the Millard Oakley Public Library located on the square at 107 East Main Street, Livingston, TN 38570. All Quick Draw paintings will be judged and then exhibited and offered for sale to the public. 

  5. The OCAC will receive 20% of all sales of artwork transacted during the Quick Draw event. Transactions will be handled by either the artist or OCAC staff and disbursements of funds will be made to all artists and to OCAC as soon as possible via common electronic transaction apps like Square, Venmo, etc. 

  6. The paintings will be judged by Paint Livingston Competition Judge Connie Erickson and awards will be presented around 1:30pm.  

  7. The Quick Draw paintings will be exhibited and sold up to 4pm.

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